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Beercast 006 – Who’s a Good Sport?

…and we’re back!

Today the Beercast finds that the beer choices at certain sports venue aren’t what they could be…but one team as gone “all in” on local brews.  Andrew Collier of the Winnipeg Goldeyes ( talks about how the club decided to feature nothing but draft and cans brewed in Manitoba.  He talks about their Craft Beer Corner, Craft Beer Voucher program (5 beer, 5 ticket vouchers for 95 bucks) and their upcoming Ballpark Brewfest at the park, July 22.  Plus thoughts on the current state of relations between other local sports teams and local brewers, on beer festivals, and the baseball cap gets doffed to Manitoba brewers who took home national awards this past month. All this in the time it takes to ride the bus back from the game.

BTW, this summer I’m looking for a Manitoba beer that can replace that Big Corporate Beer in your in-laws’ cooler.  To be honest, the Beercast wants to debate whether local producers should even try.  Touch base at @mbbeercast on twitter (before it dissolves), or send your thoughts to  No prizes on this one…just hoping to fan the flames on this question.